

Translation of "to place an order" in Chinese

I want to place an order. 你好,我想下个订单.

( 8 ) Would you like to place an order? (8)你想訂貨嗎? ...

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How to place an order 如何下订单

11 年前 — This week's programme focuses on placing an order. Phrases from the programme: 本節目中出現的短語: I'd like to place an order for..



To place an order meaning in English

Definition ; I'm pleased to inform you that YouBeauty.com has agreed to your proposal and we would like to place an order ; Customer : I haven't received an order ...

Place An Order的意思

9 年前 — So you call up a Canadian lumber mill, tell them you'd like to place an order... 所以你打給一間加拿大木材工廠,告訴他們你想要下訂單... 觀賞 ...

電話下訂Placing an Order (上) - 生活英語廣播文章

A: Yes, that's what they told me. They also told me you could provide a fair price along with excellent customer service.

【教你寫職場Email英文】#17 下單訂貨,一定要知道的實用 ...

1 年前 — I'd like to place an order for 4,500 electric switches, model number JX-980-12. In addition, please accept our order for 1,500 capacitors, model ...

English Lesson

I'd like to... is an abbreviation of I would like to... Use this phrase to ask for services at stores, banks, and so on:.

Is this correct sentence ' would you like to take an order'?

4 年前 — No, the sentence you're looking for is “Would you like to place an order?” These tend to change from locality to locality and very dependent ...